Web Design Brief Be as clear and precise as possible Business/Company Name Email Do you currently have a website? If so, please provide us with the link/url. Which of the following adjectives would you most like to represent your website? Which of the following adjectives would you most like to represent your website? Modern Corporate Creative Minimalist Exotic Abstract Colorful Elegant What products/services would you like to offer in your website? What’s your ideal client (buyer persona)? Which functions would you like for your website? Which functions would you like for your website? Forms Gallery Animated Sliders Videos Blog Google Analytics Newsletter How many total pages would you like to have on your website? (Home, Services, Products, About, etc). Would you like to have an online payment system (shopping cart) in your website? If yes, what products or services would you like to sell? Which websites do you like and why (you can include links)? On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you care about complying with Google's quality/safety parameters? On a Scale of 1 to 10, how much do you care about the website’s load speed? Do you have a budget assigned for the design and maintenance of your new website? When would you like to start and finish the web project? Submit Brief